How to Remove the 'Uncategorized' Taxonomy Term

Prior to ASE Pro v7.1.5, creating a custom taxonomy using the Custom Content Types module would also create a default taxonomy term called 'Uncategorized'. This is no longer the case. However, that term will still show up in the terms list of your custom taxonomy, if you created the custom taxonomy with ASE Pro v7.1.4 or older.

If you're sure no posts are categorized under that term, and you want to delete it, here's what you can do:

1. Enable the "Admin Interface >> Enhance List Tables >> Show ID Column" feature in ASE.

2. Go to your custom taxonomy's terms list page, and look for the 'Uncategorized' term's ID on the list, and then look for the custom taxonomy's slug in the URL, usually it's preceeded by taxonomy=, e.g. taxonomy=movie_genre

3. Install and activate WP Console plugin. You'll see a 'Console' link on the admin bar. Click on it to open the PHP console.

4. Type in the following code and hit Run: wp_delete_term( 123, 'movie_genre' ); where 123 is the 'Uncategorized' term's ID identified in step 2. 

5. Go back to to the taxonomy terms list page and check if the 'Uncategorized' term has been deleted. If so, you can uninstall WP Console plugin.
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